Easter SMS 2015, Download From Here

Easter is the famous festival of Christians. After the crucifixion of Jesus God, he awake on the third day. So, this festival is celebrated on that day. This festival is celebrated occasionally on Sunday. In the year 2015, It will celebrate 05th April 2015, Sunday.

Here, I am going to share some latest Easter SMS 2015. I hope that you will like them. Download these SMS from here and send to your friends. Also share on Facebook, Twitter and other social sites.

Easter SMS 2015:

“Easter is a promise,
God renews to us in each spring,
May the promise of Easter,
fill your heart with peace and joy,
Happy Easter 2015.”


“May Lord bless you on,
this auspicious day of Easter,
and May it be a new beginning,
of greater prosperity,
success and happiness,
Wish you a Happy Easter.”

“When i’m lifted up,
I shall draw all men to myself,
His assurance has risen us in EASTER to salvation, love, peace, joy, hope &,
Break thru in our life in JESUS REXURECTION..”


“The Easter feeling does not end,
it signals a new begging of nature spring,
and brand new life of friendship,
Happy Easter to My Best Friend.”


“Songs of Easter ringing clear,
Telling of the Savior Dear,
Once He died on Calvary’s tree,
Then arose 4 you and me,
Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen,
He rose for you and me.”

“Wishing U a Very “HAPPY EASTER,
With Love And Best Wishes,
May That EASTER Day Brings,
LOT of Happiness And JOYS in ur LIFE,
May u Live Long LIFE…,
And That EASTER day Will comes in UR life Hundred Times..,
Remember me in ur prayers.”


“He came from heaven to earth to show the way,
from the earth to the cross my debt he paid,
from the cross to the grave from the grave to the sky,
He left His throne for our sins..”

Also Find>>Cute happy Easter Wishes 2015